Registry Direct (ASX:RD1) announces a board change.
Business news

Registry Direct (ASX:RD1) has just announced a change to its board.
Registry Direct (ASX:RD1) refers to the off-market all-scrip takeover offer by Complii Fintech Solutions (ASX:CF1) to acquire all of the fully paid ordinary shares in Registry Direct, as contained in the bidder's statement issued by Complii dated 20 June 2022.
Any change in the make-up of a company?s board can have an impact on a company?s stock price.
Generally, age-related turnovers and voluntary resignations have a marginal impact on the share price.
However, when either the Chairman or another board member is ousted, this can have a significant impact on the stock price.
As the role of the board is to endorse the strategy of the business, changes to the board can have an impact on the strategic direction of the company and therefore it?s future profitability.