Business news

    Lithium Energy (ASX:LEL) reports positive Specific Yields and averaged lithium

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    Lithium Energy (ASX:LEL) says reviews from the maiden drillhole of its flagship Solaroz Lithium Brine project in Argentina confirms excellent average lithium concentrations across significant intersection widths in both the upper and lower aquifers.

    Lithium Energy says the averaged lithium concentration of 446 mg/L across a 175m intersection from 55m depth in the upper aquifer, with an averaged Specific Yield of 15%.

    It also says averaged lithium concentration of 501 mg/L across a 60m intersection from 265m depth in the lower Deep Sands Unit, with an averaged Specific Yield of 11%.

    Lithium Energy says all the various measurements are all considered to be highly positive and will provide important data for the delineation of a maiden JORC Mineral Resource at Solaroz. 



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