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    JB Hi-Fi (ASX:JBH) announces full year results

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    JB Hi-Fi (ASX:JBH) announced financial results for the full-year ended 30 June 2022.

    Solar power generation installed in 14 stores as the Group works towards net-zero direct (scope 1 & 2) carbon emissions by 2030.

    Continued to action a set of Diversity and Inclusion initiatives, to improve diversity in leadership and inclusion, including the launch of revised Parental Leave Policy which supports all primary carers regardless of gender and doubles the amount of paid parental leave from 6 to 12 weeks.

    Workplace giving donations totalling $3.7 million in FY22 and $31.7 million since inception.

    Continued focus on safety including mental health wellbeing training programs.

    Updated and distributed our revised Group Ethical Sourcing Policy, including a new requirement for social compliance auditing.

    Improvements in sustainable packaging across our own brand products in line with 2025 National Packaging Targets.

    Total sales up 3.5% to $9.23 billion.

    Earning before interest and tax (EBIT) up 6.9% to $794.6 million.

    Net profit after tax (NPAT) up 7.7% to $544.9 million.

    Earnings per share up 8.8% to 479.5 cents per share.

    The total dividend for FY22 up 10.1% to 316 cents per share.

    Following the announcement the company?s share price rose 0.652%.


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