Horseshoe Metals (ASX:HOR) announced financial results for the half-year ended June 30, 2022.
The Group realised a net loss for the half year of $1,596,059 (2021: $856,084).
Horseshoe is well positioned to unlock the potential of the Horseshoe Lights Copper-Gold Project in the Bryah Basin of Western Australia.
RC drill testing Main Zone northern extensions
RC drill testing of Motters southern extension
RC and or auger infill drilling of surface materials in stockpiles and northern waste dump
Planning for a "Below the Dolerite" Diamond drill hole
Additional metallurgical test work in oxide coper stockpiles and targets
Gravity recovery test work on Copper Flotation and CIP tailings
Ongoing review of scoping study results to incorporate potential oxide heap leach SXEW treatment
Following the announcement the company?s share price rose 4.545%.