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    Great Western Exploration (ASX:GTE) announces full year results

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    Great Western Exploration (ASX:GTE) announced financial results for the full-year ended June 30, 2022.

    Drilling commenced at the Yandal West Project, testing electromagnetic geophysical targets and interpreted structural gold lodes, with drilling completed subsequent to the end of the June 2022 Quarter.

    Multiple drill intersections of sulphide mineralisation validated the prospectivity of Yandal West's electromagnetic (EM) targets, and drilling at the Company's Harris' Find Prospect interpreted to have intersected a gold mineralised structure.

    A new and highly prospective Nickel-PGE Target, Ready1, was defined on Great Western's 100% owned Golden Corridor Project. The target has coincident Nickel-PGE geochemical and geophysical anomalism and is located on interpreted major structures. Two discrete parallel anomalous Nickel-PGE trends were identified immediately west of Ready1.

    Golden Corridor - Assay results from Ultrafine+ soil sampling defined a number of gold in soil anomalies across the GC1-GC4 structural targets and elsewhere across the Golden Corridor Project.

    Geological review, planning, and prioritisation of exploration continues on all Great Western's portfolio of projects.

    Experienced geologist, Mr Shane Pike joined the Company as Managing Director in April 2002.

    $3.5mil fund raised by way of a placement in May and June 2022.

    Following the announcement the company?s share price fell 8.750%


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