Cavalier Resources (ASX:CVR) has acquired the Maleta Creek nickel-cobalt project to its prospective Leonora portfolio.
Cavalier Resources says the 51.2? area is situated immediately south of the historic Waite Kauri Nnckel-cobalt project area, and immediately west of Glencore's Murrin Murrin nickel cobalt operation.
It also says an initial desktop review has highlighted numerous nickel sulphide, nickel laterite and gold targets, along with near surface nickel occurrences that remain largely untested by drillling.
Its Technical Director, Daniel Tuffin says: "The application for Maleta Creek was carried out to inject a nickel focussed project into our Leonora portfolio to further complement the company's existing nickel, lithium and gold project, Ella's Rock, located in Forrestania."