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Latitude 66 (ASX:LAT) confirms high-grade gold at K8 prospect

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Latitude 66 reported positive results from the analysis of historical drilling data, revealing high-grade gold mineralisation at their K8 Prospect in Finland.

The findings are part of the Kuusamo Schist Belt Project.

Historic assay results indicate gold mineralisation, including intercepts of 19.0m @ 6.0g/t Au from 97.5m, and 6.5m @ 8.1g/t Au from 45.1m.

Latitude 66's current drilling results complement this data, featuring 10.3m @ 4.8g/t Au from their works.

"The presence of high-grade gold mineralisation at the K8 prospect is now confirmed by both historic and Lat66 drilling," said Grant Coyle, managing director of Latitude 66.

"The conductive plates identified in the follow-up DHEM further enhance the prospectivity at K8, highlighting the potential for mineralisation to continue at depth," Coyle added.

Results from geophysical surveys have also identified potential extensions to mineralisation, with a downhole electromagnetics survey noting significant conductive responses.

The upcoming drill program aims to further test these extensions following the completion of current drilling at the nearby K9 prospect.

The K8 prospect, located approximately 3km northeast of K9, has shown a coherent mineralisation trend over 250m, remaining open down dip and along strike.

The company plans to incorporate these findings into a maiden JORC mineral resource estimate after the K9 drill program.

Latitude 66 is a diversified gold and critical minerals company. Its projects include Kuusamo Schist Belt, Greater Duchess JV, Sylvania Project, and Edjudina Project. 

It conducts regional exploration activities in the highly prospective Perapohja Schist Belts, Kainuu Schist Belts, and Central Lapland Greenstone Belt.

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