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Barton Gold (ASX:BGD) uncovers high-grade gold at Tarcoola Project

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Barton Gold has announced a discovery of high-grade gold at its Tarcoola Gold Project in South Australia.

Recent assays have identified a new gold mineralised system at the Tolmer target area, featuring quartz sulphide veining within broader alteration zones.

The company conducted approximately 10,000m of reverse circulation drilling between May and July, targeting the Perseverance open pit mine and broader Tarcoola Goldfield structures.

The efforts returned high-grade assay results confirming the presence of gold at multiple targets, including Tolmer, Old Flame, and Warburton.

"We are excited to confirm that the first significant test of Tarcoola’s new structural model has confirmed a new gold mineralised system at Tolmer," said Alexander Scanlon, managing director of Barton Gold.

"We have also successfully intersected high-grade mineralisation at multiple other targets, demonstrating Tarcoola's broader potential to host multiple shallow, high-grade gold zones," Scanlon added.

The significant assay outcomes include intervals such as 14m at 1.41 g/t Au from 80m and 4m at 24.6 g/t Au from 95m at Tolmer.

Follow-up drilling programs including aircore and additional reverse circulation definition drilling are already in planning.

Further assay results from the Perseverance open pit floor drilling are also awaited, with high expectations for adding additional high-grade resources suitable for Stage 1 operation.

Barton Gold is a gold exploration company, which has a pipeline of advanced exploration projects and brownfield mines, and 100% ownership of the only regional gold mill in the central Gawler Craton of South Australia.

At the time of reporting, Barton Gold's share price was $0.245.

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