What does WAM Research do?
WAM Research (ASX:WAX) is a listed investment company (LIC) that invests in a diversified portfolio of small to medium-sized companies (SMEs) that are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). The company's objective is to generate superior returns for investors over the long term by investing in companies with strong growth potential. WAM Research's operations are focused on identifying and investing in SMEs that are undervalued by the market. The company's investment team has a long track record of success in identifying and investing in high-growth companies.
Company Snapshot
Is WAM Research a public or private company?
How many people does WAM Research employ?
What sector is WAM Research in?
Financial Services
Where is the head office for WAM Research?
New South Wales, Australia
What year was WAM Research founded?
Investment research: WAM Research provides in-depth, independent research on Australian and international investment markets. The company's research team has a proven track record of identifying undervalued and mispriced assets, and provides its clients with valuable insights to help them make informed investment decisions.
Portfolio management: WAM Research offers a range of portfolio management services to suit the needs of different investors. The company's portfolio managers have a deep understanding of investment markets and create diversified portfolios that are tailored to each client's individual risk tolerance and investment objectives.
Educational resources: WAM Research provides a range of educational resources to help investors learn more about investing. The company offers a variety of webinars, seminars, and articles on a range of investment topics.
Investment products: WAM Research offers a range of investment products, including listed investment companies (LICs) and managed investment schemes (MISs). The company's investment products are designed to provide investors with access to a range of asset classes and investment strategies.