Timothy Plan - Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF company info

What does Timothy Plan - Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF do?
Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF (NYSEARCA:TPHE) operates as an exchange-traded fund focusing on investments in high dividend-yielding stocks. It strives to generate income for its investors by meticulously selecting stocks that not only provide high dividend returns but also align with the company's ethical investment criteria, emphasizing respect for life, stewardship, and family values. The objective is to offer a financial product that enables investors to achieve their income needs while staying true to their moral and ethical beliefs. TPHE's approach involves a rigorous screening process to ensure that the investments reflect the values it champions, aiming to create a positive impact through its investment choices.
Timothy Plan - Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF company media
Company Snapshot

Is Timothy Plan - Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF a public or private company?


How many people does Timothy Plan - Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF employ?


What sector is Timothy Plan - Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF in?

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Where is the head office for Timothy Plan - Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF?

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Head Office
Orlando, United States

What year was Timothy Plan - Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF founded?

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Year Founded
What does Timothy Plan - Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF specialise in?
/High Dividend /Stock Investment /Enhanced ETF /Faith-based Investing /Managed Risk /Investor Values
What are the products and/or services of Timothy Plan - Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF?
Overview of Timothy Plan - Timothy Plan High Dividend Stock Enhanced ETF offerings
Faith-Based Investing services, focusing on aligning investments with Christian values.
Mutual Funds offering a range of investment options screened for moral and ethical considerations.
ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) providing diverse and morally responsible investment opportunities.
Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) screening to ensure investments do not contradict Christian beliefs.
Educational Resources offering guides and tools for understanding faith-based investing.
Retirement Planning services tailored to integrate personal faith with financial retirement goals.