Royce Global Value Trust company info

What does Royce Global Value Trust do?
Royce Global Value Trust (NYSE:RGT) is a financial entity focused on providing its investors with access to a diversified portfolio, primarily investing in small and micro-cap global securities. The Trust aims to achieve long-term growth of capital by investing in a range of international companies. With a keen eye for undervalued assets worldwide, Royce Global Value Trust leverages a fundamental, bottom-up approach to select high-quality, growth-oriented stocks. The objective is not just capital appreciation but also to offer exposure to global market dynamics and investment opportunities that many investors might not have access to individually. Through meticulous research and a disciplined investment strategy, it aims to uncover value across different industries and countries, aligning with investors looking for global diversification in their investment portfolios.
Royce Global Value Trust company media
Company Snapshot

Is Royce Global Value Trust a public or private company?


How many people does Royce Global Value Trust employ?


What sector is Royce Global Value Trust in?

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Where is the head office for Royce Global Value Trust?

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Head Office
New York, United States

What year was Royce Global Value Trust founded?

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Year Founded
What does Royce Global Value Trust specialise in?
/Investment Management /Asset Allocation /Global Equities /Risk Management /Investment Research /Financial Advising
What are the products and/or services of Royce Global Value Trust?
Overview of Royce Global Value Trust offerings
Global small-cap equity investment management focusing on undervalued companies.
Portfolio management services emphasizing long-term capital growth.
International market investment opportunities with a value-driven approach.
Risk management strategies to mitigate market volatility impacts.
Dividend reinvestment and cash purchase plans for shareholders.
Financial advisory and consultancy services tailored to individual investor goals.