Rafael company info

What does Rafael do?

Rafael Holdings (NYSE:RFL) focuses on advancing cancer care through its support and development of oncology therapeutics. It operates by participating in various projects and investments that aim to bring new treatments from the laboratory to the patient. Rafael Holdings is particularly engaged in identifying promising new therapies and providing the necessary resources to move these innovations forward. The company's objectives include fostering groundbreaking research, partnering with biotech firms with compelling approaches to defeating cancer, and ultimately improving patient outcomes. By leveraging its expertise and resources, Rafael Holdings pursues a vision where its contributions lead to significant advancements in the fight against cancer, aiming to transform the landscape of cancer treatment.
Rafael  company media

Company Snapshot

Is Rafael a public or private company?




How many people does Rafael employ?




What sector is Rafael in?

pie chart


Real Estate

Where is the head office for Rafael ?

location pin

Head Office

Newark, United States

What year was Rafael founded?

founded flag

Year Founded


What does Rafael specialise in?

/Real Estate /Pharmaceutical Investments /Life Sciences /Research Developments /Property Management /Equity Investments

What are the products and/or services of Rafael ?

Overview of Rafael offerings
Oncology therapeutics focusing on novel cancer treatment options.
Real estate holdings, including life sciences real estate properties.
Barer Institute, dedicated to advancing biomedical research.
Preclinical and clinical drug development for various cancers.
Partnerships and collaborations with various research institutions and companies.
Investment in healthcare and biotechnology startups.

Who is in the executive team of Rafael ?

Rafael leadership team
  • Photo of Mr. Howard S. Jonas
    Mr. Howard S. Jonas
    Founder & Executive Chairman
  • Photo of Mr. William  Conkling
    Mr. William Conkling
    CEO & President
  • Photo of Dr. John Mayer Goldberg M.D.
    Dr. John Mayer Goldberg M.D.
    Chief Medical Officer
  • Photo of Mr. David A. Polinsky Esq.
    Mr. David A. Polinsky Esq.
    Chief Financial Officer
  • Photo of Ms. Joyce J. Mason Esq.
    Ms. Joyce J. Mason Esq.
    Corporate Secretary