Radiopharm Theranostics company info

What does Radiopharm Theranostics do?

Radiopharm Theranostics (ASX:RAD) is a radiopharmaceutical company that develops and commercialises innovative diagnostic and therapeutic products for the treatment of cancer and other diseases. Radiopharm Theranostics’ operations are focused on the development of new radiopharmaceuticals, as well as the commercialisation of its existing products in Australia and other international markets. The company aims to develop and commercialise innovative radiopharmaceutical products for the treatment of cancer and other diseases.
Radiopharm Theranostics company media

Company Snapshot

Is Radiopharm Theranostics a public or private company?




How many people does Radiopharm Theranostics employ?




What sector is Radiopharm Theranostics in?

pie chart


Health Care

Where is the head office for Radiopharm Theranostics?

location pin

Head Office

Sydney, Australia

What year was Radiopharm Theranostics founded?

founded flag

Year Founded


What does Radiopharm Theranostics specialise in?

/Radiopharmaceuticals /Theranostic /Diagnostics /Biotech /Pharmaceutical /Health

What are the products and/or services of Radiopharm Theranostics?

Overview of Radiopharm Theranostics offerings
Nano-mAbs: an esteemed radiopharmaceutical and nuclear medicine specialist formerly associated with the University of Oxford, is a pioneering radiopharmaceutical platform.
Pivalate: derived from a short-chain carbohydrate. It exploits early stages of fatty acid oxidation and exhibits remarkable stability.
AVß6: a potent ligand targeting the cell surface protein avß6-integrin. It selectively accumulates in areas with heightened avß6-integrin levels.
DUNP19: designed to simultaneously address tumours and their surrounding tumour micro-environment cells, including stromal and immune cells.
PTPµ (PTPmu): a peptide molecule biomarker designed for the precise detection, imaging, and treatment of tumours.

Who is in the executive team of Radiopharm Theranostics?

Radiopharm Theranostics leadership team
  • Photo of Mr. Paul Edward-Alexander Hopper A.S.i.A, B.A (UNSW), FAICD
    Mr. Paul Edward-Alexander Hopper A.S.i.A, B.A (UNSW), FAICD
    Founder & Executive Chairman
  • Photo of Mr. Riccardo  Canevari
    Mr. Riccardo Canevari
    MD, CEO & Director
  • Photo of Mr. Phillip  Hains
    Mr. Phillip Hains
    CFO, Joint Company Secretary & Director
  • Photo of Dr. Thomas H. Tulip Ph.D.
    Dr. Thomas H. Tulip Ph.D.
    Chief Business Officer
  • Photo of Dr. Dimitris  Voliotis M.D.
    Dr. Dimitris Voliotis M.D.
    Chief Medical Officer
  • Photo of Mr. Nathan  Jong C.A.
    Mr. Nathan Jong C.A.
    Joint Company Secretary