Mirrabooka Investments company info

What does Mirrabooka Investments do?

Mirrabooka Investments (ASX:MIR) is an Australian investment company that invests in a portfolio of listed and unlisted equities. The company's objective is to provide shareholders with capital growth and income over the long term. Mirrabooka Investments' operations are focused on the investment and management of its portfolio. The company has a team of experienced investment professionals who use a fundamental bottom-up research process to identify investment opportunities. Mirrabooka Investments also has a strong focus on risk management and corporate governance.
Mirrabooka Investments company media

Company Snapshot

Is Mirrabooka Investments a public or private company?




How many people does Mirrabooka Investments employ?




What sector is Mirrabooka Investments in?

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Where is the head office for Mirrabooka Investments?

location pin

Head Office

Melbourne, Australia

What year was Mirrabooka Investments founded?

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Year Founded


What does Mirrabooka Investments specialise in?

/LICs /Investment /Fund /Managed fund /Wealth /Financials

What are the products and/or services of Mirrabooka Investments?

Overview of Mirrabooka Investments offerings
Investment management: Mirrabooka Investments is an investment management company that specialises in investing in small and mid-sized Australian companies. The company offers a range of investment management services, including managed funds, separate accounts, and investment advisory services.
Australian small and mid-sized company equities: Mirrabooka Investments invests in a portfolio of Australian small and mid-sized companies. The company believes that these companies have the potential to generate superior returns for investors over the long term.
Core investment approach: Mirrabooka Investments has a core investment approach, which involves investing in companies with strong fundamentals, such as a healthy balance sheet, competitive advantages, and experienced management teams.
Active investment management: Mirrabooka Investments takes an active approach to investment management. The company's investment team conducts fundamental research on each company before making an investment decision.
Long-term investment horizon: Mirrabooka Investments has a long-term investment horizon. The company believes that the best way to generate superior returns for investors is to invest in companies with the potential to grow over the long term.
Dividend income: Mirrabooka Investments aims to provide investors with attractive dividend income. The company's portfolio of investments typically generates a dividend yield that is higher than the Australian market average.

Who is in the executive team of Mirrabooka Investments?

Mirrabooka Investments leadership team
  • Photo of Mr. Robert Mark Freeman AMP (INSEAD), B.E., Gr.Dip AppFin, M.B.A.
    Mr. Robert Mark Freeman AMP (INSEAD), B.E., Gr.Dip AppFin, M.B.A.
    MD, CEO & Director
  • Photo of Mr. Andrew J. B. Porter F.C.A., M.A., M.A.I.C.D., MA (Hons)
    Mr. Andrew J. B. Porter F.C.A., M.A., M.A.I.C.D., MA (Hons)
    CFO & Company Secretary
  • Photo of Mr. Geoffrey N. Driver B Ec, GradDip Fin., M.A.I.C.D.
    Mr. Geoffrey N. Driver B Ec, GradDip Fin., M.A.I.C.D.
    General Manager of Business Development & Investor Relations
  • Photo of Mr. Matthew John Rowe ACIS, AGIA, B.A., BA (Hons), FCIS, FGIA, M.S., MSc
    Mr. Matthew John Rowe ACIS, AGIA, B.A., BA (Hons), FCIS, FGIA, M.S., MSc
    Company Secretary
  • Photo of Mr. Kieran  Kennedy C.F.A.
    Mr. Kieran Kennedy C.F.A.
    Investment Analyst
  • Photo of Stuart  Low
    Stuart Low
    Investment Analyst
  • Photo of Mr. Jaye  Guy
    Mr. Jaye Guy
    Investment Analyst