LCX company info

What does LCX do?

LCX (CRYPTO:LCX) is a regulated cryptocurrency exchange that provides users with a safe and secure platform to trade digital assets. LCX offers a wide range of digital assets for trading, as well as a variety of trading features. LCX also offers a number of other services, such as the LCX Token, LCX Launchpad, and LCX Custody. LCX's mission is to make cryptocurrency more accessible and secure for everyone. LCX believes that cryptocurrency has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the internet and that everyone should have access to this technology. LCX is committed to providing its users with the best possible cryptocurrency experience and to helping to build a more secure and inclusive digital future.
LCX company media

Company Snapshot

How many people does LCX employ?




What is the market cap for LCX?


Market Cap


Where is the head office for LCX?

location pin

Head Office

Vaduz, Liechtenstein

What year was LCX founded?

founded flag

Year Founded


What does LCX specialise in?

/Ethereum Ecosystem /Platform

What are the products and/or services of LCX?

Overview of LCX offerings
Cryptocurrency trading: LCX offers a wide range of digital assets for trading, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, and many more. LCX also offers a variety of trading features, such as margin trading, stop-loss orders, and take-profit orders.
LCX Custody: LCX Custody is a secure storage solution for digital assets. LCX Custody provides users with peace of mind knowing that their digital assets are safe and secure.
LCX Launchpad: LCX Launchpad is a platform for new cryptocurrency projects to raise funds. LCX Launchpad provides investors with access to early-stage cryptocurrency projects that have been vetted by the LCX team.
LCX OTC: LCX OTC is a platform for over-the-counter trades of large volumes of cryptocurrency. LCX OTC provides institutional investors with a secure and efficient way to trade cryptocurrency.
LCX Terminal: LCX Terminal is a professional trading platform for cryptocurrency traders. LCX Terminal offers a wide range of features, including advanced charting tools, market data, and order management tools.
LCX Token: LCX has its own cryptocurrency token, the LCX Token (LCX). LCX Token holders can receive discounts on LCX trading fees and participate in LCX's governance process.