Insignia Financial company info

What does Insignia Financial do?

Insignia Financial Limited (ASX:IFL) is an Australian financial services company that provides a range of financial advice, superannuation, and investment solutions. The company operates through two business segments: Financial Advice and Superannuation & Investments. Insignia Financial's operations are focused on helping Australians achieve their financial goals. The company's financial advice business provides personalised financial advice to individuals and families. The company's superannuation and investments business provides a range of superannuation products and investment services. Insignia Financial is currently working on a number of projects, including the integration of its recently acquired businesses, the development of new products and services, and the expansion of its digital capabilities.
Insignia Financial company media

Company Snapshot

Is Insignia Financial a public or private company?




How many people does Insignia Financial employ?




What sector is Insignia Financial in?

pie chart



Where is the head office for Insignia Financial?

location pin

Head Office

Melbourne, Australia

What year was Insignia Financial founded?

founded flag

Year Founded


What does Insignia Financial specialise in?

/Wealth /Superannuation /Financial /Investment /Advice /Retirement /Insurance

What are the products and/or services of Insignia Financial?

Overview of Insignia Financial offerings
Provides investment management services to help clients achieve their financial goals.
Offers retirement savings products, such as superannuation and annuities, to help clients save for retirement.
Provides insurance products, such as life insurance and income protection insurance, to help clients protect themselves and their families.
Offers financial advice and planning services to help clients make informed financial decisions.
Develops new products and services to meet the changing needs of its clients.
Expands its existing portfolio of products and services to offer more choices to clients.

Who is in the executive team of Insignia Financial?

Insignia Financial leadership team
  • Photo of Mr. Scott  Hartley B.B.A.
    Mr. Scott Hartley B.B.A.
    CEO & Executive Director
  • Photo of Mr. David  Chalmers
    Mr. David Chalmers
    Chief Financial Officer
  • Photo of Mr. Frank  Lombardo
    Mr. Frank Lombardo
    Acting Chief Technology Officer
  • Photo of Mr. Garry  Mulcahy
    Mr. Garry Mulcahy
    CEO of MLC Asset Management
  • Photo of Mr. Anvij  Saxena
    Mr. Anvij Saxena
    Chief Risk Officer
  • Photo of Mr. Jason  Sommer
    Mr. Jason Sommer
    Chief Operating Officer
  • Photo of Mr. Lawrence  Hastings
    Mr. Lawrence Hastings
    Chief Legal Officer
  • Photo of Ms. Melissa  Walls
    Ms. Melissa Walls
    Chief People Officer