Red Hawk Mining company info

What does Red Hawk Mining do?

Red Hawk Mining (ASX:RHK) is an iron ore exploration and development company with a focus on its 100%-owned Blacksmith Iron Ore Project in Western Australia. Red Hawk Mining's operations are focused on the exploration and development of the Blacksmith Iron Ore Project. The project is located approximately 70 kilometres northwest of Tom Price in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
Red Hawk Mining  company media

Company Snapshot

Is Red Hawk Mining a public or private company?




How many people does Red Hawk Mining employ?




What sector is Red Hawk Mining in?

pie chart



Where is the head office for Red Hawk Mining ?

location pin

Head Office

Perth, Australia

What year was Red Hawk Mining founded?

founded flag

Year Founded


What does Red Hawk Mining specialise in?

/Mining /Resources /Iron Ore /Western Australia /Exploration

What are the products and/or services of Red Hawk Mining ?

Overview of Red Hawk Mining offerings
Blacksmith Iron Ore Project, Western Australia (100% owned): The potential development of resources to produce a +60% Fe direct shipping ore (DSO) product at a sustainable rate of up to 3 million tonnes per annum.
Anvil deposit: Red Hawk holds retention licence R47/21 for the Anvil Project in Western Australia.
Canegrass Project (100% owned): Located approximately 60km south-east of Mt Magnet and 15km south-west of Atlantic Limited’s Windimurra Vanadium Project, in WA’s Mid-West.
Farm-in agreement with Viking Mines: Red Hawk has entered into a Farm-in Agreement (FIA) with Viking Critical Minerals Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Viking Mines Limited (ASX: VKA) for all minerals on the Canegrass tenements.

Who is in the executive team of Red Hawk Mining ?

Red Hawk Mining leadership team
  • Photo of Mr. Steven George Michael B.Com., C.A., M.A.I.C.D.
    Mr. Steven George Michael B.Com., C.A., M.A.I.C.D.
    CEO, MD & Director
  • Photo of Mr. Matthew  Owen
    Mr. Matthew Owen
    Chief Financial Officer
  • Photo of Dr. Andrew Scott Whitehead
    Dr. Andrew Scott Whitehead
    General Manager
  • Photo of Ms. Jeanette  Hasleby
    Ms. Jeanette Hasleby
    General Manager of ESG & Approvals
  • Photo of Mr. Adam  Hall
    Mr. Adam Hall
    General Manager of Projects
  • Photo of Ms. Lisa  Wynne ACSA, B.Com., BBus., C.A., CA, FCIS
    Ms. Lisa Wynne ACSA, B.Com., BBus., C.A., CA, FCIS
    Joint Company Secretary
  • Photo of Ms. Michaela  Stanton-Cook
    Ms. Michaela Stanton-Cook
    Joint Company Secretary