Diversified United Investment company info

What does Diversified United Investment do?

Diversified United Investment (ASX:DUI) is an Australian investment company that invests in a diversified portfolio of assets, including property, infrastructure, and private equity. The company's objective is to generate long-term capital growth and income for its shareholders. DUI's operations are focused on the investment and management of its portfolio of assets. The company has a team of experienced and qualified investment professionals who are able to source, acquire, and manage its assets. DUI also has a strong focus on risk management and compliance, and it is committed to managing its assets in a sustainable manner.
Diversified United Investment company media

Company Snapshot

Is Diversified United Investment a public or private company?




How many people does Diversified United Investment employ?




What sector is Diversified United Investment in?

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Financial Services

Where is the head office for Diversified United Investment?

location pin

Head Office

Victoria, Australia

What year was Diversified United Investment founded?

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Year Founded


What does Diversified United Investment specialise in?

/Managed fund /Investment /LICs /Fund /Investment /Financial

What are the products and/or services of Diversified United Investment?

Overview of Diversified United Investment offerings
Diversified United Investment Limited is an Australian listed investment company (LIC) that invests in a diversified portfolio of Australian and international equities.
The company's objective is to provide shareholders with a consistent income stream in the form of fully franked dividends and to grow the value of its portfolio over the long term.

Who is in the executive team of Diversified United Investment?

Diversified United Investment leadership team
  • Photo of Mr. James  Pollard C.A.
    Mr. James Pollard C.A.
    Company Secretary