Deep Yellow company info

What does Deep Yellow do?

Deep Yellow (ASX:DYL) is a uranium exploration and development company with a portfolio of projects in Namibia and Australia. The company's flagship project is the Tumas Project, a large-scale uranium deposit located in Namibia. The Tumas Project is expected to produce approximately 3.6 million pounds of uranium per year over a 20-year mine life. Deep Yellow is also developing a number of other projects, including the Omahola Project in Namibia and the Mulga Rock Project in Australia. The company is also working on a number of exploration projects, with the aim of expanding its uranium resource base.
Deep Yellow company media

Company Snapshot

Is Deep Yellow a public or private company?




How many people does Deep Yellow employ?




What sector is Deep Yellow in?

pie chart



Where is the head office for Deep Yellow?

location pin

Head Office

Perth, Australia

What year was Deep Yellow founded?

founded flag

Year Founded


What does Deep Yellow specialise in?

/Uranium /Mining /Explorer /Africa /Namibia /Resources /Energy

What are the products and/or services of Deep Yellow?

Overview of Deep Yellow offerings
Tumas 3 Uranium Project: A world-class uranium deposit in Namibia with a JORC resource of 192 million tonnes at 125 ppm U3O8.
Mulga Rock Uranium Project: A high-grade uranium deposit in Western Australia with a JORC resource of 11.5 million tonnes at 520 ppm U3O8.
Exploration Projects: A portfolio of exploration projects in Namibia and Queensland with the potential to discover new uranium resources.
Joint Ventures: Joint ventures with other companies to explore for and develop uranium projects.

Who is in the executive team of Deep Yellow?

Deep Yellow leadership team
  • Photo of Mr. John  Borshoff B.Sc., F.AusIMM, FAICD
    Mr. John Borshoff B.Sc., F.AusIMM, FAICD
    MD, CEO & Director
  • Photo of Ms. Gillian  Swaby B.Bus., F.A.C.I.D., FAICD, FCIS
    Ms. Gillian Swaby B.Bus., F.A.C.I.D., FAICD, FCIS
    Executive Director
  • Photo of Mr. Craig Clinton Barnes B.Com., C.A., C.A. (S.A.)
    Mr. Craig Clinton Barnes B.Com., C.A., C.A. (S.A.)
    Chief Financial Officer
  • Photo of Mr. Dustin  Garrow M.B.A.
    Mr. Dustin Garrow M.B.A.
    Head of Marketing
  • Photo of Mr. Eduard  Becker Aus.I.M.M., B.Sc., Dip.Geo.
    Mr. Eduard Becker Aus.I.M.M., B.Sc., Dip.Geo.
    Head of Exploration
  • Photo of Mr. Darryl John Butcher BSc, F Aus IMM, FAICD
    Mr. Darryl John Butcher BSc, F Aus IMM, FAICD
    Head of Project Development
  • Photo of Mr. Andrew  Mirco
    Mr. Andrew Mirco
    Head of Business Development
  • Photo of Mr. Andrew James Morgan
    Mr. Andrew James Morgan
    Head of Project Delivery