Capital Group Dividend Value ETF company info

What does Capital Group Dividend Value ETF do?
Capital Group Dividend Value ETF (NYSEARCA:CGDV) is a fund focused on investing in high dividend-yielding stocks with the potential for long-term growth in value. This ETF aims to provide investors with regular income through dividends along with capital appreciation by selecting companies across a broad range of industries that demonstrate strong financial health and the ability to sustain and grow their dividend payments. The fund's portfolio management team leverages in-depth research to identify undervalued companies with attractive dividend yields. Capital Group Dividend Value ETF's objectives revolve around generating consistent income, reducing volatility, and achieving long-term growth in asset value, making it a suitable option for income-focused investors seeking a balanced approach to value investing.
Capital Group Dividend Value ETF company media
Company Snapshot

Is Capital Group Dividend Value ETF a public or private company?


How many people does Capital Group Dividend Value ETF employ?


What sector is Capital Group Dividend Value ETF in?

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Where is the head office for Capital Group Dividend Value ETF?

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Head Office
Los Angeles, United States

What year was Capital Group Dividend Value ETF founded?

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Year Founded
What does Capital Group Dividend Value ETF specialise in?
/Investment Management /Dividend Investing /Equity Funds /Financial Planning /Wealth Management /Income Growth
What are the products and/or services of Capital Group Dividend Value ETF?
Overview of Capital Group Dividend Value ETF offerings
Investment in high dividend yielding stocks for long-term growth and income.
Portfolio management services focusing on companies with strong balance sheets and potential for dividend growth.
Customized investment solutions tailored to meet individual investor goals and risk tolerance.
Research and analysis services providing insights into dividend-paying companies and market trends.
Advisory services offering strategic guidance on portfolio diversification and asset allocation.
Retirement planning services designed to maximize income through dividend-paying investments.