Capital Group Core Equity ETF company info

What does Capital Group Core Equity ETF do?
Capital Group Core Equity ETF (NYSE:CCED) offers investors a diversified portfolio aimed at achieving long-term growth. By focusing on equities across a broad range of sectors, the ETF employs a strategy targeting core holdings that exhibit potential for sustainable earnings and growth, making it a fundamental part of an investor's asset allocation. CCED's operations are guided by Capital Group's seasoned investment team, leveraging in-depth research to identify opportunities in the market. The objective of CCED is to deliver competitive returns while managing risk, aiming to benefit from market trends and the economic cycle through calculated investment choices. Through its singular listing on the New York Stock Exchange Arca, Capital Group Core Equity ETF provides accessible investment options for those looking to invest in a core equity product guided by experienced stewards of capital.
Capital Group Core Equity ETF company media
Company Snapshot

Is Capital Group Core Equity ETF a public or private company?


How many people does Capital Group Core Equity ETF employ?


What sector is Capital Group Core Equity ETF in?

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Where is the head office for Capital Group Core Equity ETF?

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Head Office
Los Angeles, United States

What year was Capital Group Core Equity ETF founded?

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Year Founded
What does Capital Group Core Equity ETF specialise in?
/Investment Management /Equity Funds /Diversified Portfolios /Risk Management /Financial Services /Investment Advice
What are the products and/or services of Capital Group Core Equity ETF?
Overview of Capital Group Core Equity ETF offerings
Investment in large-cap U.S. companies aiming for long-term growth.
Actively managed portfolio focusing on companies with potential for earnings growth.
Diversification across various sectors to reduce risk and enhance returns.
Research-driven approach to stock selection, leveraging in-depth company analysis.
Use of proprietary investment insights to identify undervalued opportunities.
The strategy of combining growth and value investing to achieve balanced performance.