Brookfield Asset Management company info

What does Brookfield Asset Management do?

Brookfield Asset Management (TSX:BAM), (NYSE:BAM) is a global company dedicated to managing a diverse range of assets, including real estate, renewable energy, infrastructure, and private equity. Its operations span across various sectors and geographical regions, aiming to generate sustainable returns for investors by leveraging its expertise in these areas. Brookfield is known for its hands-on approach to asset management, focusing on maximizing value through active ownership and management of its portfolio. The company's projects range from towering commercial real estate in major cities globally to large-scale renewable energy operations, contributing to the transition towards a more sustainable and resilient economy. Brookfield Asset Management's primary objective is to deliver long-term value to its stakeholders, including clients, investors, and the communities in which it operates, by adhering to a disciplined investment strategy and maintaining a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility.
Brookfield Asset Management company media

Company Snapshot

Is Brookfield Asset Management a public or private company?




How many people does Brookfield Asset Management employ?




What sector is Brookfield Asset Management in?

pie chart



Where is the head office for Brookfield Asset Management?

location pin

Head Office

Toronto, Canada

What year was Brookfield Asset Management founded?

founded flag

Year Founded


What does Brookfield Asset Management specialise in?

/Asset Management /Real Estate Services /Infrastructure Projects /Private Equity /Renewable Power /Real Estate Development

What are the products and/or services of Brookfield Asset Management?

Overview of Brookfield Asset Management offerings
Renewable power platform focusing on hydroelectric, wind, solar, and storage facilities.
Real estate services encompassing property management, leasing, and development across various sectors.
Infrastructure operations including utilities, transport, energy, and data infrastructure.
Private equity investments in high-quality businesses across multiple industries.
Insurance solutions, specializing in annuities and life insurance to support liability management strategies.
Agricultural investments, emphasizing sustainable practices and resource efficiency in the production of food and fiber.

Who is in the executive team of Brookfield Asset Management?

Brookfield Asset Management leadership team
  • Photo of Mr. Mark Joseph Carney FPC, MPC, PRC
    Mr. Mark Joseph Carney FPC, MPC, PRC
    Chair of Board & Head of Transition Investing
  • Photo of Mr. James Bruce Flatt
    Mr. James Bruce Flatt
    CEO & Director
  • Photo of Mr. Connor David Teskey
    Mr. Connor David Teskey
    President and CEO of Renewable Power & Transition
  • Photo of Mr. Justin B Beber
    Mr. Justin B Beber
    Managing Partner & COO
  • Photo of Mr. Brian William Kingston
    Mr. Brian William Kingston
    Managing Partner, CEO of Real Estate & Director
  • Photo of Mr. Cyrus  Madon CPA, CPA
    Mr. Cyrus Madon CPA, CPA
    Managing Partner, Executive Chairman of Private Equity & Director
  • Photo of Ms. Lori Anne Pearson F.C.A., FCPA
    Ms. Lori Anne Pearson F.C.A., FCPA
    Managing Partner & COO of Brookfield Corporation
  • Photo of Mr. Samuel J. B. Pollock CPA
    Mr. Samuel J. B. Pollock CPA
    Managing Partner, CEO of Infrastructure & Director