Betmakers Technology company info

What does Betmakers Technology do?

Betmakers (ASX:BET) is a global wagering technology company that provides end-to-end wagering solutions to licensed wagering operators. Betmakers' technology platform includes a core wagering engine, a retail point-of-sale system, a digital wagering platform, and a suite of risk management and compliance tools. Betmakers' operations are divided into two segments: Technology and Global Wagering Platform. The Technology segment provides wagering technology solutions to licensed wagering operators around the world. The Global Wagering Platform segment operates a proprietary wagering platform that is offered to customers in Australia, the United Kingdom, and Ireland. Betmakers is currently working on a number of projects, including the development of new wagering products, the expansion of its Global Wagering Platform, and the launch of new wagering operations in new markets.
Betmakers Technology company media

Company Snapshot

Is Betmakers Technology a public or private company?




How many people does Betmakers Technology employ?




What sector is Betmakers Technology in?

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Consumer Discretionary

Where is the head office for Betmakers Technology?

location pin

Head Office

Victoria, Australia

What year was Betmakers Technology founded?

founded flag

Year Founded


What does Betmakers Technology specialise in?

/Gambling /Gaming /Technology /Leisure /Hospitality /Media

What are the products and/or services of Betmakers Technology?

Overview of Betmakers Technology offerings
Core wagering engine: A powerful and flexible wagering engine that can be customized to meet the needs of any licensed wagering operator.
Retail point-of-sale system: A user-friendly and reliable retail point-of-sale system that enables wagering operators to accept bets from their customers.
Digital wagering platform: A state-of-the-art digital wagering platform that offers customers a wide range of betting options and features.
Risk management and compliance tools: A suite of risk management and compliance tools that help wagering operators to manage their risk and comply with regulatory requirements.
Global Wagering Platform: A proprietary wagering platform that is offered to customers in Australia, the United Kingdom, and Ireland.
Expansion into new markets: Betmakers is currently working on expanding its operations into new markets around the world.

Who is in the executive team of Betmakers Technology?

Betmakers Technology leadership team
  • Photo of Mr. Matthew Stuart Davey
    Mr. Matthew Stuart Davey
    President & Executive Chairman
  • Photo of Mr. Jake  Henson
    Mr. Jake Henson
    Chief Executive Officer
  • Photo of Mr. Todd Cameron Buckingham
    Mr. Todd Cameron Buckingham
    Founder & Chief Growth Officer
  • Photo of Mr. Carl  Henschke
    Mr. Carl Henschke
    Chief Financial Officer
  • Photo of Mr. Martin  Tripp
    Mr. Martin Tripp
    Chief Operating Officer
  • Photo of Mr. Karl Alexander Begg
    Mr. Karl Alexander Begg
    Chief Technology Officer
  • Photo of Mr. Oliver  Shanahan
    Mr. Oliver Shanahan
    Chief Information Officer
  • Photo of Mr. Sam  Adams
    Mr. Sam Adams
    Chief Legal Officer