Ausgold company info

What does Ausgold do?
Ausgold (ASX:AUC) is an Australian mineral exploration company focused on gold in Western Australia. Their primary project is the Katanning Gold Project (KGP), which covers +5,500km2 of the underexplored Katanning greenstone belt in south-western Western Australia. Ausgold actively explores KGP through extensive drilling programs, targeting both new high-value areas and extensions within the existing resource. Their aim is to unlock further resource growth and demonstrate the project's potential to hold millions of ounces of gold. Ausgold holds three other projects in its portfolio: Yamarna JV and Doolgunna Station JV in WA and Cracow in Queensland. These projects are all in close proximity to significant mineral discoveries that are either currently supporting mining operations or being developed into a mine and are considered highly prospective.
Ausgold company media
Company Snapshot

Is Ausgold a public or private company?


How many people does Ausgold employ?


What sector is Ausgold in?

pie chart

Where is the head office for Ausgold?

location pin
Head Office
Perth, Australia

What year was Ausgold founded?

founded flag
Year Founded
What does Ausgold specialise in?
/Gold /Copper /Explorer /Western Australia /Mining /Resources
What are the products and/or services of Ausgold?
Overview of Ausgold offerings
Katanning Gold Project (KGP): The project covers over 5,500km² and currently holds a mineral resource of 3.04 million ounces of gold. Ausgold is actively exploring the KGP through drilling programs aimed at expanding the known resource and identifying new high-value areas.
Doolgunna Station Au Project: located 150km north-east of Meekatharra in Western Australia’s Bryah Basin and approximately 13km to the west of, and along trend from, Sandfire Resources’ Degrussa copper-gold operation.
Yamarna Ni-Cu-Co Project: located approximately 125km north-east of Laverton in central Western Australia on Exploration Licenses E38/2129 and ELA 38/3311. The project covers 300km2 of prospective ground over the Yamarna Greenstone Belt, the easternmost Archean greenstone belt in the Yilgarn Craton.
Cracow Au Project: This project is located approximately 375km northwest of Brisbane, Queensland, and covers an area of approximately 200km². The project is prospective for gold mineralisation, and Ausgold is currently reviewing the potential of the project with a view to developing a targeted exploration program.
Who is in the executive team of Ausgold?
Ausgold leadership team
  • Dr. Matthew  Greentree
    Dr. Matthew Greentree
    CEO, MD & Director
  • Mr. Denis Ivan Rakich FCPA
    Mr. Denis Ivan Rakich FCPA
    Company Secretary
  • Mr. John Andrew Dorward ACSA, BComm (Hons), CFA, GradDipAppFin
    Mr. John Andrew Dorward ACSA, BComm (Hons), CFA, GradDipAppFin
    Executive Chairman
  • Mr. Benjamin  Stockdale
    Mr. Benjamin Stockdale
    Chief Financial Officer